taken on a job...
and then another
started working on projects again
been offered freelance work
considered leaving one position
lost a feline friend
littered my room with fabric scraps
spent more time at home than I have in the last four years
accepted the fact that I'm not a child anymore.
While neither of my positions are glamorous or remotely related to what I went to school for, I find that they've been helpful in keeping me motivated. Essentially, I enjoy the one that matters most (pays the bills) and the other is keeping me focused on moving forward with my artwork.
I'll also be starting some freelance work very soon through a good friend. I'm hoping that it'll give me the kick in the butt I need to consider freelancing as a means of keeping myself fresh until I can afford to find a position in my field...and move. I'm still trying to remain positive and hopefully I'll find what I'm looking for within the year. I'm ready to embrace big changes.
As for projects, I started a larger fabric piece about a month ago and while it's still not done I want to post a little teaser. I'm finding it a little hard to balance my work with "work work", but I think I'll be able to settle in soon. So, no promises as to when the piece will be finished but I hope it's not too long before I can post again. I'm going to be trying some new tricks and techniques, so we'll see. I'm also doing little things to keep busy--like the new header. Over the weekend I broke out the camera and spent Saturday afternoon photographing fruit baskets for my boyfriend's parents' business. Perhaps I'll post some of those one day, just for fun. Little things here and there, though and bigger projects to come. And for the tease...